Among all the gorgeous hikes the Basque Country has to offer, there is one we particularly love: le sentier du littoral (the Costal path). Although the Basque Country is constituted of 7 provinces (3 in France called the “Northern provinces” and 4 in...
This week we’ll start a series of articles based on theme : What to do in Anglet during a rainy day ? I know, as surprising as it might be, it happens to rain in the Basque Country 😉 If not, how do you expect the countryside to be so green and magnificent ? But no...
La plus haute « montagne » du Pays Basque Le massif de la Rhune, point culminant du Pays Basque avec ses… 905 m d’altitude (et oui ! le Pays-Basque est vallonné : c’est pas vraiment les Alpes 😉 ), offre un superbe panorama à 360° sur l’intérieur du Pays Basque,...