All about Nami House & the Basque Country...
The City of the Ocean
This week we’ll start a series of articles based on theme : What to do in Anglet during a rainy day ? I know, as surprising as it might be, it happens to rain in the Basque...
Mayumi Tsubokura: the man who lived a hundred lives
Mayumi Tsubokura is a Japanese painter influenced by both the ocean and Polynesian culture. Between 20th and 28th May, he’ll be exhibiting at La Grande Plage in Biarritz. After...
Ocean initiatives by Surfrider Foundation Europe
Le week-end dernier, comme chaque année pour l’arrivée du printemps, se tenaient les initiatives océanes organisées par l’association Surfrider Foundation. L’association propose...
Cider tasting in the Spanish Basque Country: TXOTX !
Ce week-end, Nami House a traversé la frontière pour aller faire un tour à Astigarraga dans le Pays Basque espagnol, à la découverte des cidreries (sidrerías en español). ...
Hiking the Rhune Mountain
La plus haute « montagne » du Pays Basque Le massif de la Rhune, point culminant du Pays Basque avec ses... 905 m d’altitude (et oui ! le Pays-Basque est vallonné : c’est pas...
Biarritz outdoor summer festival: Thursdays by the ocean. Watch the movie Odisea Expedition in Alaska
Why talking about Alaska in a blog about the Basque Country? Simply because, like every summer, an unmissable outdoor festival took place in Biarritz, in the gardens of the City...